website ranking

SEO, such a small word, but when it comes to digital world, this is the word that makes the huge difference in the number of your audience and users. Think, you have a beautifully designed website with great content to share, but are people finding you and visiting the site? Even with the rise of social media, organic search is still a crucial website traffic driver, and it’s not going away anytime soon. this is where SEO comes in.

Among millions of websites, what does it takes to make your website be among first in search list? Just some basic hacks at that’s it! These small changes are enough to make huge difference in your website ranking


When we wish users to see our content, than content should be good enough to still and hold audience. Content is everything, if users don’t find content up to their expectations, then, they might not open the site again, otherwise, if they are impressed by the content quality, they will search for the different things in the website and this will increase the browsing period and thus the website ranking.

Among the things in a website’s content that are considered by search engines when evaluating the relevance of websites for keyword searches include the headers and page titles in websites, formatted texts, and links in a website, URLs of websites and page content in websites. These things help search engines establish websites that deserve high ranking for keyword searches.

2.Website’s videos and SERP rankings

Videos are way easier tool for explaining things, takes lesser time, visually entertaining, audio visual explanation leads to quicker understanding and can share large amount of information in brief and concise time.

From the point of SEO, this is a big deal. The longer your visitor’s “dwell time” or session is, the greater your chances at getting search engines like Google to see your video’s value and the trustworthiness of the webpage it’s hosted on – and, ultimately, give the page a higher rank. As, we humans are usually attracted to visually catching things, beautifully made videos can help you increase SEO and browsing time of your website.

3.Website’s architecture

The architecture of a website should ensure that the content of the website is not just appropriate, but that the content is easy to read. The website’s architecture should have well formed codes that make it easy for search engines to read the content of a site.

Failure of the codes being well coded can lead to search engines totally missing a website’s content, which means poor ranking by search engines.

4.Popularity of website

The popularity of a website is used by search engines as a criterion for determining the relevance of a website for keyword searches. Popularity of website determines how relevant website is for keyword search.

5.Title your page to help search engines and users

Search engines read the title tag, or meta title, as an important indicator of what the page is about. so, make sure to title up your webpage properly.